Toy Story: A Movie Franchise Miracle

Toy Story: A Movie Franchise Miracle

Last month, I wrote about how Disney’s trend of releasing mainly sequels and ‘re-imaginings’ demonstrated Hollywood’s sad loss of creative risk. Proving that a picture really is worth a thousand words (or 1,165 of them to be exact), this meme has gone viral in the last couple weeks: Judging by the disappointing box office receipts…

Billy Wilder Top Ten Movies

Top Ten Billy Wilder Movies

Billy Wilder is the greatest screenwriter in film history. No need for a qualifier like ‘one of.’ His movies range from gritty film-noir to screwball comedy, with stops in all manner of genres in between. He worked with several writing partners, but no matter the subject or the collaborator, his screenplays are always good and…

Apollo 11 Review

Apollo 11 Review

There are several historical events I wish I could have seen firsthand. The Apollo 11 mission is at or near the top of that list. Thanks to the documentary feature of the same name, I was able to experience the next best thing. The film uses previously unseen footage from the NASA archives along with…

Top Ten Alfred Hitchcock Films

Top Ten Alfred Hitchcock Films

Before college, my movie knowledge mainly consisted of features made after Star Wars and anything by Disney. I cured this ignorance during my freshman year at the University of Florida when I saw a series of films by the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock. These classics were an eye-opening lesson to the fact that great…

Dan Whiteside's Movie Award

The 2019 Danny’s

Welcome to the 7th annual Danny’s! For the uninitiated, these are my movie awards that I hand out the same day as the Academy Awards. I make up the categories and decide on the winners as I see fit. And to prove how ahead of the curve I am, the Academy tried to imitate me…